What is MultiMedia?
![MultiMedia - Electronic, Mobile and Digital](https://youn01.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/copy36_MobileDevices.jpg)
MultiMedia - Electronic, Mobile and Digital
What is this new revolution in the delivery of educational outcomes? The etymology indicates that this is the digital revolution come to the classroom - the use of multiple platforms to interactively deliver and communicate information. The media is electronic, mobile, digital, and social. It is the Wiki, the Podcast, the Vodcast, Emodo, Moodle. It is Skype, videoconferencing, PowerPoint and Prezi. It is the Netbook, the Tablet, the iPhone, the iPad, the iPod and the Androids.
Wiki - a web application that allows a community of users to create, add, modify and delete information and content.
Podcast - a digital media file, usually audio (and episodic) that is made available for downloading from the Internet to a suitable player (often an MP3 player).
Vodcasts - similar to a podcast above but with video content
Prezi– is a web-based presentation application that uses a single canvas for display instead of individual slides. It is ‘zoomable’ and is said to be more dynamic than more traditional methods.
Edmodo– a social network learning platform after the style of Facebook where teachers, students and parents can exchange communications about lesson and assessment related matters.
Moodle - is a free online software platform specifically designed to enable creation and delivery
of online courses in an interactive and collaborative manner.
Skype - is a service that allows people to speak to each other as they do on the telephone except it uses the computer and the Internet.
videoconferencing - allows people in separate locations to communicate, interact and
exchange information via a live video connection over the internet. Some applications are
distance learning, lectures and interviews.
PowerPoint - is software that allows users to create slideshow presentations incorporating
text photographs, illustrations, animations tables, graphs and movies. This
makes PowerPoint an excellent teaching tool.
image sources: http://www.yalescientific.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Science-Essay-1-500x500.jpg